HR & Cocktails is a podcast that talks about compliance, challenges, great ideas and mishaps, and how Human Resources can move from an administrative, overhead department to a strategic contributor to the bottom line.
Episode 10 : What Retailers (and all businesses) Need to Know about Phased Reopening
Guest – Cailey Locklair, President, Maryland Retailers Association
As states begin a phased reopening of business, particularly retail, what do businesses need to know. While most businesses are focused (rightfully) on reopening from a financial perspective, they are also employers. New social distancing and face covering requirements are proving to be a challenge for business and their employees. Additionally, there are other considerations that are impacting businesses as they open. Cailey discusses these challenges and the resources available to ensure that the reopening process is as smooth as possible. We discuss this and more…and of course, we talk about cocktails.
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